News from Bemersyde Estate

We hope you have all stayed well during the last year and look forward to welcoming you back to Bemersyde some time in the future. We have some vacanc

Written by
Bemersyde Estate

Posted: Thursday, May 13, 2021

What a catch!

Andy Britton has won the Bemersyde Trophy with a 32lb salmon. The fish, which was caught at Tweedmill Beat, near Coldstream, secured Mr. Britton’s awa

Written by
Bemersyde Estate

Posted: Thursday, April 1, 2021

A year on Bemersyde Beat

February seems like a long time ago, when the water came up to the steps of the hut, leaving us repairing the gravel. Trees came down, including acros

Written by
Bemersyde Estate

Posted: Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Farr Side to 9 July, 2020

Well, what a week we have had at Bemersyde.

First of all, congratulations to every one catching the fish in not the best of conditions for most of th

Written by
Ian Farr

Posted: Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Farr Side


Well, here we are back on the river once again after a long lock-down. We started off on Friday 29 May with ITV Border coming to

Written by
Ian Farr

Posted: Wednesday, June 17, 2020